Saturday, November 17, 2018

What is GOeureka?

GOeureka is a travel tech company utilising blockchain technology to build a hotel booking platform. Our mission is to decentralise the hotel booking sector and deliver greater transparency by allowing hotels to directly connect with their customers. As a technology partner to hotels, GO aims to provide a dynamic digital experience to users and eradicate the high commission structures imposed by online travel agents. By reducing the financial commitments of hotels to third-party booking platforms, GO’s vision is to enable hotels to focus more resources on providing better intrinsic value and services to travellers around the globe.

Hotel loyalty programmes will be integrated into the GOeureka platform, where travellers may earn loyalty points from the hotels they have booked. Necessary APIs will be provided for hotels to link their loyalty database with GOeureka. This will help facilitate the interoperable loyalty points detailed in GOeureka’s official whitepaper.   GOeureka will send and retrieve data from the hotel’s database to provide real-time updates for users to track their points and for hotels to track points that users have redeemed with GOeureka.   Research shows that 70% of customers do not sign up for a loyalty programme due to inconvenience and time costs associated with registering for a programme . With GOeureka, 1 registration for a loyalty programme is processed and verified in the backend. Customers will only be required to fill up an online registration form or, if they are already registered loyalty members, they only need to provide their pre-registered details (e.g. member ID) and the platform will link and display their loyalty details.  

As consumer data will be shared between GOeureka and hotels, the consumers will have a seamless check-in experience during their stay. Upon registration, GOeureka collects personal identifiable information, which will be encrypted and stored off-chain. This information will be used to facilitate the check-in process since users are already authenticated on the GOeureka platform. Unique identifiers will be matched with data from the hotel’s central reservation system and consumers are able to check-in directly on the mobile app.   The check-in experience will consist of 3 simple steps:  
1. Select booking (reservation for the day)
2. Fill up optional information (hotels may request additional information to cater and personalize the consumers stay – e.g. Room upgrade, Types of pillow)
3. Check-in to room  
Check-in requests will be automatically approved as long as certain prerequisites like the check-in time or booking deposit are fulfilled.  

Guests may check-out of their stay through a similar process, but will be redirected to the payment page, where they may choose from GOeureka’s various payment methods to settle their vacation bill: 
1. Check-out of stay
2. Fill up check-out form (hotels may ask if guests have minibar consumption, guests may approve additional charges from in-room dining, etc.)
3. Redirect to payment page

Upon check-in, authentication tokens will be sent to GOeureka’s hotel CMS and guests will be matchmade with the hotel they have checked into once tokens are authenticated in the backend. Hotels and guests will have direct access to each other and will be able to communicate for the duration of the stay. Guests will be entitled to the aforementioned hotel services, depending on what hotels make available.  

Information :

Address : 0xB418e7b20190fDD5CEF6A6D6abE09f619Dac8e47

GOeureka - Overview Hotel Loyalty Programmes

GOeureka is a travel tech company utilising blockchain technology to build a hotel booking platform. Our mission is to decentralise the hotel booking sector and deliver greater transparency by allowing hotels to directly connect with their customers. As a technology partner to hotels, GO aims to provide a dynamic digital experience to users and eradicate the high commission structures imposed by online travel agents. By reducing the financial commitments of hotels to third-party booking platforms, GO’s vision is to enable hotels to focus more resources on providing better intrinsic value and services to travellers around the globe.

The GOeureka platform is adapted to various devices and is easy to use. Project-made intelligence quickly finds hotels that meet client needs according to the parameters given. A user can specify any selection criteria, including prices for accommodation, choice of food and kitchen options, views from windows, etc. GOeur they are trying to make holiday travelers as comfortable as possible.

Inequitable commissions to OTAs ultimately decrease hotels' margins and increase consumer prices
Consumers miss out accruing points and subsequently free hotel rewards
The manufactured bias through modified and reordered search results on OTA's ultimately costs consumers choice and value

Loyalty Programmes 

Hotel loyalty programmes will be integrated into the GOeureka platform, where travellers may earn loyalty points from the hotels they have booked. Necessary APIs will be provided for hotels to link their loyalty database with GOeureka. This will help facilitate the interoperable loyalty points detailed in GOeureka’s official whitepaper.   GOeureka will send and retrieve data from the hotel’s database to provide real-time updates for users to track their points and for hotels to track points that users have redeemed with GOeureka.   Research shows that 70% of customers do not sign up for a loyalty programme due to inconvenience and time costs associated with registering for a programme . With GOeureka, 1 registration for a loyalty programme is processed and verified in the backend. Customers will only be required to fill up an online registration form or, if they are already registered loyalty members, they only need to provide their pre-registered details (e.g. member ID) and the platform will link and display their loyalty details.  

Booking & Inventory Platform  
The web application platform will host a booking platform for travellers and a hotel inventory system for hotels. Travellers will be able to search and book hotels. Hotels can update room inventory and prices directly or integrate with channel managers. A majority of hotels manage their inventories using channel managers as a single point of management, therefore GOeureka will provide necessary APIs (Application Programming Interface) for integration. GOeureka will also work directly with major channel managers to automate the integration process for hotels.  

Rebooking Feature  
Travellers will enjoy automatic post-booking discounts for their stays through GOeureka’s patent-pending rebooking feature. The GOeureka rebooking algorithm detects when a hotel rate drops, and automatically re-books an existing booking (qualified bookings that have not passed and are within valid cancellation policies) at the lower rate. Travellers will be notified of their discounted stay.

When hotels choose to drop their rates on the GOeureka platform, they will receive a summary report on the affected bookings and the total discounts provided by the rate cut. This will allow hotels to make true informed decisions that are beneficial to themselves and their guests.  

Payment Processing  
GOeureka aims to provide multiple payment methods that appeal to both traditional and crypto consumers. Consumers will have the option to transact using fiat currency, major cryptocurrencies, GO credits or loyalty points. Prices of goods and services will be displayed in fiat and the cryptocurrency of user’s choice. There are multiple available approaches for the development of GOeureka’s payment processing.

For the traditional checkout process where payment is made in fiat, GOeureka will implement a third-party payment gateway. This method sees payment being processed through a payment gateway (e.g. PayPal) that sends transaction details to a payment processing network (typically hosted by a merchant’s bank). Once processed, the processing network sends approved data to the credit card issuer to proceed with the funds transfer.  

Information :

Address : 0xB418e7b20190fDD5CEF6A6D6abE09f619Dac8e47

GOeureka - Next-Gen Solution Shaping The Future Of Online Hotel Booking

GOeureka aims to develop an easy to use, reliable Facility and Services booking system with persistent indisputable records. As with all new systems, much of what is proposed will evolve over time as requirements change. The web platform will be developed with a backend built on the Python Django framework while individual components will be built using a mix of programming languages (HTML, CSS, Javascript, Golang, etc.) and the mobile application built on the Ionic framework. The database will be a PostgreSQL database that runs on a cloud server (Amazon Web Service) with certain data validated and stored on the Ethereum blockchain. Smart contracts will be ERC20 compliant (though newer standards may be applied after the time of writing) and customized using Solidity. 

ERC20 smart contracts will be utilized for the security and immutability of data throughout the platform. To increase performance and keep transaction fees to a minimum, individual transactions and bookings will be kept outside of the blockchain. The settlement of all transactions will occur off-chain and fulfilled transactions will be aggregated each day and sent through the smart contract to be validated and stored on the blockchain. 

Booking & Inventory Platform  
The web application platform will host a booking platform for travellers and a hotel inventory system for hotels. Travellers will be able to search and book hotels. Hotels can update room inventory and prices directly or integrate with channel managers. A majority of hotels manage their inventories using channel managers as a single point of management, therefore GOeureka will provide necessary APIs (Application Programming Interface) for integration. GOeureka will also work directly with major channel managers to automate the integration process for hotels.  

Rebooking Feature  
Travellers will enjoy automatic post-booking discounts for their stays through GOeureka’s patent-pending rebooking feature. The GOeureka rebooking algorithm detects when a hotel rate drops, and automatically re-books an existing booking (qualified bookings that have not passed and are within valid cancellation policies) at the lower rate. Travellers will be notified of their discounted stay.

When hotels choose to drop their rates on the GOeureka platform, they will receive a summary report on the affected bookings and the total discounts provided by the rate cut. This will allow hotels to make true informed decisions that are beneficial to themselves and their guests.  

Services Dashboard & CMS 

 Hotels will have access to a services dashboard and content management system (CMS) that interacts with GOeureka’s mobile application. Hotels are able to list services that they provide and directly communicate with guests during their stay. Hotels may subscribe to the following services:  
Ø  Housekeeping
Ø  Concierge services
Ø  Live chat
Ø  Room service
Ø  Events 
In-app notifications will alert hotels when guests require a particular service. Hotels may update information and ongoing events in the vicinity, as well as their room service menu via the CMS.

The main feature of GOeureka
The GOeureka platform is adapted to various devices and is easy to use. Project-made intelligence quickly finds hotels that meet client needs according to the parameters given. A user can specify any selection criteria, including prices for accommodation, choice of food and kitchen options, views from windows, etc. GOeur they are trying to make holiday travelers as comfortable as possible.

GOeureka vision
GO has a plan to create an online ecosystem where businesses grow by offering the best services to tourists. As a technology partner for the hotel industry, GO will offer applications and web experiences that are simple and direct to users without high commissions on most sites. By freeing up resources for hotels, GO will enable them to offer better value and customer service with their resources.

Benefits of GOeureka
This project is based on blockchain technology that can be relied upon to store user data in the system. It is almost impossible to hack because data is stored on distributed network nodes. Thanks to KYS registration, a traveler is protected from fraud - only real hotels can register on GOeureka.

Information :

Address : 0xB418e7b20190fDD5CEF6A6D6abE09f619Dac8e47

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

ICO DATA is a revolutionary data platform that stands to disrupt the way that companies and individuals gather premium data. Our product will democratize data, making it more readily available and less expensive than the current methods of data gathering and vetting. The result is that clients can access specific data sets in a cost-effective and transparent way, collecting exactly what they need without paying for extraneous data. 

With the market for advertising reaching $591 billion in 2017 and $209 billion of it dedicated to digital advertising, the need for accurate data is only growing. Data is the backbone of the marketing boom, and has the capability to be the category killer We will merge our own proprietary data with many of the world's largest databases ranging from government data, industry specific data, voting records, business to business data, property data, credit bureau data, etc. to create a comprehensive variety of data sets valuable to individuals and businesses looking to both attract and retain clients. The level of access to quality data offers has been cost prohibitive for most companies outside of the Fortune 500, but as a result of our platform, all participants will be able to obtain the exact, nuanced data they are seeking. Because removes the middlemen in the data industry that tend to drive prices up and cause inefficiencies, no order size will be too small to fulfill. This opens up an untapped market of potential clients on a global stage.

One of the biggest challenges businesses face today is customer acquisition and retention. The key to both acquiring new customers and retaining your current customers is possessing the critical data that can help you market to those prospects with the highest propensity to use your products and services and further help identify the needs of your current customers ensuring their long-term loyalty. The data industry today is both complicated and highly fragmented offering a confusing number of choices to businesses desperately in need of this critical information. The existing data marketing ecosystem of data / list owners, managers and brokers is inefficient and often ineffective costing businesses unnecessary time and money

DATABLOCKCHAIN.IO, in association with Media Direct, Inc. aims to democratize big data and level the data playing field by providing the most comprehensive marketing data solution to all businesses and individuals. will provide a robust interface between the business or individual and the data sources. The backend systems will ensure full confidence in data quality for the end user as well as transactional finality for the data providers.

Our main objectives are:
1) To empower Data Source Providers to provide access to their data and monetize it
2) To provide full transparency, traceability, and auditability to the data providers
3) To build confidence between the end user and data sources
4) To give Businesses and Consumers quality verified data
5) To give End Users a simplified easy-to-use interface with a quick payment system will comply with applicable privacy rules and regulations including the General Protection Regulation Act. will not offer financial data covered in the Graham Leach Bill.

The pipeline for new token sales is deep and growing daily. Thousands of new and existing businesses are embracing blockchain technology. Many are drawn in by the transparency offered by the public ledger, the decentralization of databases and the allure of creating a new cryptocurrency.

While these new blockchain projects and the crypto entrepreneurs behind them differ greatly from one another in many ways, they are all early adopters who have embraced a disruptive technology before the masses. Virtually all of these new varying blockchain projects will require critical data to optimize their performance in this new business paradigm.

As the reconfigured, efficient, and transparent way for these businesses to access the data and information they need to succeed, will be uniquely positioned to capitalize on the rapidly growing needs of blockchain pioneers.

CURRENT LANDSCAPE’s objective is to provide a comprehensive solution that serves as both an upgrade to the demand and supply side of the data industry, and solves two key market flaws: disparate data sources and lack of transactional transparency, both in utilization and payment, to data owners.
Today, an individual, entity or brand looking to acquire a specific data set will have to spend extensive time and resources locating sources that meet its target audience, negotiating costs, and establish privacy standards for the transferring of the data. This leads to a decrease in quality and a duplication of data records. These three (3) challenges not only make it extremely cost prohibitive to identify and acquire the multiple datasets required to build the exact data that is needed, but for small and medium sized businesses (SMB), it creates a barrier to enter the data marketplace.

Attempting to generate revenue today from existing datasets brings its own unique set of challenges. The first main challenge is the time and money it takes to create data cards and collateral for the data owner to monetize. At the same time, they need to identify the right organization or marketplace offering the widest reach and one which represents the highest demand for their data. The second major challenge is integrity and accountability. Data owners do not trust outside organizations to properly store, manage and monetize their data. The last major concern surrounds the security of the storage environment. Data abuse and lack of transparency in the revenue share business model are underlying fears that will ultimately prevent a list owner from making his/her unique data set available for purchase. aims to remove layers of inefficiency, provide an open and transparent audit into data use and payment, as well as maximize profits for both the data owner and data purchaser.

OUR VALUE will revolutionize the data list industry by eliminating unnecessary middlemen and creating a more efficient data sourcing and delivery process. will build a unified User Interface to allow an entity to search varying and diverse sources of data for records that match their search query parameters. The parameters can range from geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural attributes. A single query would be able to span hundreds of sources and billions of records.

The Backend Agent (Ethereum/Smart Contracts) will keep track of all sources used to provide the data to the entity. It will calculate and disperse payments to all sources involved based on the licensing agreements with said agents. The payments are immediate and do not require authorization, manual invoices, or bank/wire transfers. For complete transparency, an Ethereum-based Blockchain is used for all record source management, invoicing and payments. Smart contracts are utilized for tracking record usage and the multiplex of licensing and data sources. All payments are made through the cryptocurrency DBCCoin.

The Data source partners can use different licensing models to add their data set into the system. They can provide their data to be added to our data set or they can utilize an API (Oracle) to give our system access to their data. The API can be used by the Smart Indexing Engine to query the data of the data partner and build a heuristic index for fast searching. Each data source is analyzed, scored and sorted. A Confidence Score is applied to each source based on the data age and the attributes available. The Confidence Score is organic and changes as more data is analyzed and as the data is utilized in the system. A higher Confidence Score translates to higher payouts for the data source partners.

The Data Source Partners and their data are segregated from each other. Only the Smart Indexing Engine knows which source is providing which data. The privacy of the data as well as the privacy of the data partners is protected.

Because all payment transactions are made through the Blockchain, the Data Source Partners can trust the payments will be immediate and immutable. Full traceability of record usage is available to the Data Source Partners.

The Smart Indexing Engine will utilize predictive analytics (a type of artificial intelligence using data analysis and machine learning) for Confidence Scoring to provide the most accurate and up-to-date data. It can also combine sources to provide all required attributes. The entity would receive a record set which it could download and utilize. The record set can be a single individual that matches all parameters or millions of records that match the parameters.

The use cases for are diverse, but the most common include:
- Data for Digital/Online Marketing
- Data for Analytical Modeling
- Data for Media Buying
- Data for Direct Marketing
- Data for CRM/Customer Retention
- Data for Customer Acquisition
- Data for Enhancement of Existing
- Data Data for Risk Management
- Data for Health Insurance Companies
- Data for Background Checks
- Data for People finder
- Data for Real-Time Leads


Boltt's Auditable Health Rewards are based on Trust & Transparency:
Boltt's Health Reward Engine are based on a Smart Contract
This offers complete transparency in the process of token generation
It is audit-able and hack proof
Any manipulative actions (faking steps etc.) can be easily traceable and virtually impossible to hide or forge

Hosting Decentralised Fitness Challenges without a middleman:
All Boltt platform challenges, tournaments and games are recorded on the Blockchain
The Ethereum Blockchain supports decentralized tournament creation and distribution of the winning with smart contracts
Players are able participate without being dependent on host decisions, financial regulations, and middleman controls.
Boltt challenges aim to eliminate the need to trust hosts running centralized platforms.

Boltt's unique Health ID ensures Data Privacy & Security:
The Health ID uses Blockchain to keep all the health identification data of the users safe.
Blockchai embeds rules via smart contracts to control access to sensitive health data.
Users can specify who should be given access to such data.
All the transactions are logged on the blockchain ensuring that user history is kept private, verifiable, and destructible on demand

Data immutability on the Marketplace:
The Boltt Decentralized Marketplace rests upon many fundamental pillars of the blockchain.
One of the most important one is the safety and security.
All confirmed transactions on the Boltt marketplace are not able to be changed without the consensus of the network
As long as the blockchain is operative, the data on it is always accessible.

Cost-effectiveness for Ecommerce Transactions:
The P2P nature of the blockchain does away with the need for any intermediaries to facilitate transactions.
Transaction cost on the Boltt platform is even less than 0.1% of the transaction value, which is significantly lower compared to centralized payment methods such as PayPal or credit cards.
Overall, within the Boltt shop, there are automated triggers and processes
Smart contracts provide the foundation for digitization and automation for business processes.

Boltt solves one of the biggest problems in personal health: Lack of motivation for personal health improvement. While solving this primary problem, Boltt’s solution successfully provides answers to several other major gaps and pain points in current healthcare ecosystems such as lack of engagement and loyalty for the stakeholders. Engagement, Gamification & Loyalty is the three main pillars for any brand, corporate & business. There is no "One Platform" that provides all three pillars for business & customers alike. 

Be it corporations, brands, celebs or retailers alike, all are looking at newer ways to remain engaged with their employees, consumers, fans & stakeholders. With more and more retailers & brands trying to connect with audiences across an array of social channels, the attention span of people is on a decline. Businesses need to quickly figure out what is best for their audiences in order to generate better engagement and increased brand loyalty. Just like a brand, celebrities also have a reputation and online engagement to maintain in order to increase and maximize their audience. Corporations need a better seamless way to engage & motivate to enhance employee productivity.  Service Providers need to find differentiated ways to increase retention & acquisition of customers. 

Boltt creates an ecosystem of real-life partnerships with retailers, merchants, corporates, service providers, insurance companies, and an integration of gamification, blockchain and distributed ledger technology that aims towards increasing engagement & loyalty based on improved health. The Boltt ecosystem enables people to Earn BolttCoins by taking steps, which is a tangible measure of improving one’s personal health. BolttCoin is the exclusive currency used within the ecosystem that can be used as rewards in social gamification, engagement and loyalty programs across the ecosystems.

Boltt health reward engine
Enables to earn BolttCoins with steps & personal health achievements.

Boltt engagement & gamification
Enables creating challenges, tournaments, and games from sponsored brands, celebrities, and corporates to reward participants. In addition, it enables merchants to create loyalty programs or link their existing programs to the Boltt platform & give rewards in the form of BolttCoins to spend on the partner network.

Boltt decentralized marketplace
Serves several purposes. It mainly enables product listing and sale while opening up a host of other uses including insurance benefits, utility bill payments, entertainment bookings, offline shops, and other services.

Boltt identity management and health ID
Provides a digital identity to every individual user. This will be one global health ID on the Blockchain that provides a higher level of security and privacy and available on demand.

Boltt crypto wallet
Enables access to all financial services in the Boltt ecosystem. This includes many features including multiple top up and cash out options, holding fiat or multiple crypto currencies, money transfer, bill payments & a decentralized

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Sunday, October 7, 2018

INGOT COIN | Review Project

Dompet & Pengelolaan Dana Terpadu | Website :
Dompet IC adalah dompet cryptocurrency berbasis blockchain yang dienkripsi. Perangkat lunak IC Exchange terintegrasi dengan sistem dompet multi-mata uang. Dana dompet dilindungi melalui kriptografi serta penyimpanan dingin multi-tanda tangan yang menjaga dana peserta pasar dari akses eksternal apa pun. Semua dana cryptocurrency akan secara otomatis dikelola melalui antarmuka IC Wallet. Dana Fiat seperti Euro atau Dolar AS dapat disimpan di Bank IC dan dikelola secara manual oleh operator IC Exchange atau otomatis melalui penerapan fitur pemrosesan pembayaran melalui antarmuka IC Digital Bank.

Keamanan Maksimum
Beberapa lapisan keamanan mencegah upaya peretasan dan memastikan bahwa dana selalu tetap aman. Lapisan pertama dibentuk melalui penggunaan beberapa server independen. Perangkat lunak IC Exchange dijembatani dengan dompet IC di mana semua dana crypto akan disimpan. Prosedur penyimpanan catatan akan menjadi lapisan lain dengan rekonsiliasi berkelanjutan untuk mencegah peretasan terjadi, sambil mempertahankan kepatuhan dengan badan pengatur utama. Aset klien lebih terlindungi dengan menggunakan akun IC Digital Bank untuk menyimpan mata uang fiat, dan akun IC Brokerage untuk menyimpan aset tradisional. Aplikasi IC Wallet juga akan menyertakan dasbor khusus yang menggambarkan nilai total dari semua aset berbeda yang dialokasikan di IC Bank (saldo akun fiat), IC Broker (Saham dan portofolio komoditas), dan saldo cryptocurrency.

Pengguna IC Wallet yang berdagang crypto melawan crypto dapat mentransfer aset mereka antara dompet IC dengan aman dan lancar di blockchain melalui serangkaian prosedur yang akan memverifikasi semua persyaratan hukum seperti, KYC, AML dan multi-signature. Pedagang Kripto akan dapat memperdagangkan aset tradisional dengan individu lain (P2P) atau melalui IC Broker dari pasar seperti NYSE, NASDAQ, CME, dll. Karena IC Wallets dan permintaan pesanan dimasukkan oleh pengguna di IC Exchange, perangkat lunak pencocokan pesanan akan mencocokkan semua pembeli dan penjual bersama-sama tergantung pada penawaran terbaik dan permintaan terbaik untuk memastikan bahwa pelaksanaan perdagangan terjadi dengan harga pasar terbaik yang tersedia dan dalam waktu yang tepat secara efisien karena Bursa IC akan memiliki kolam IC Liquidity serta koneksi API ke bursa teratas yang akan dapat diakses oleh semua investor.

Pemegang IC Wallet yang ingin bertukar jenis crypto ke jenis mata uang fiat pilihan mereka, dapat melakukannya melalui permintaan pesanan dari platform IC Exchange yang akan merilis pesanan dan setelah selesai, langsung menyetor dana fiat ke dalam Bank IC pengguna. Saat pengguna memasukkan alamat dompet dan pesanan perdagangan mereka jika mereka memperdagangkan pasangan kripto / aset tradisional, buku pesanan Exchange IC akan mencocokkan penawaran terbaik dan permintaan terbaik dan menghubungkan pengguna bersama-sama untuk menyelesaikan transaksi, setelah pesanan dipenuhi perangkat lunak akan menyelesaikan swap dan menyimpan dana dan aset di tujuan masing-masing.

IC Digital Bank sepenuhnya terintegrasi dan bersatu dengan IC Wallet, IC Exchange, dan IC Brokerage untuk menjamin perpindahan dana yang cepat dan aman antar rekening bank klien. Aset tradisional disimpan dalam akun IC Broker, fiat akan disimpan di IC Bank dan cryptocurrency akan disimpan dalam IC Wallet.

Transparansi, Ketersediaan Data & Likuiditas Tinggi
Ekosistem akan meningkatkan transparansi dengan membuat semua perdagangan tersedia di buku besar terdesentralisasi. Buku besar ini akan tersedia untuk semua pemangku kepentingan potensial. Data vending akan tersedia untuk umum, karena akan mencakup jurnal untuk semua perdagangan, investor, volume dan data ekstensif dari semua transaksi dalam Ekosistem.

Ketersediaan informasi memberikan dasar bagi investor lokal dan asing untuk mengakses pasar dengan kepercayaan yang lebih tinggi sehingga menciptakan kepercayaan dalam komunitas IC. Adapun lanskap likuiditas saat ini di pasar kripto terbukti bahwa itu hancur dan sering bergerak melintasi bursa. Pertukaran utama menawarkan beragam pasangan crypto tanpa tunggal dari setiap token atau pasangan dan menawarkan harga yang berbeda berdasarkan likuiditas.

Dengan demikian, harga yang disukai untuk suatu token dapat beralih dari satu pertukaran ke yang lain menciptakan ketidakefisienan serta peluang, di sisi lain, pertukaran bertindak sebagai "kolam likuiditas" terpisah. Setiap pool memiliki likuiditas dalam token tertentu tetapi tidak memilikinya pada yang lain. Kolam renang hanya dapat diakses oleh masing-masing klien kolam renang. Secara terpisah, setiap likuiditas pasar tetap kecil, tetapi secara kolektif, bersama dengan IC Liquidity Pool, mereka mewakili sumber likuiditas yang besar dan beragam yang menjamin efisiensi di pasar crypto. IC akan menghubungkan pertukaran di bawah satu platform yang sangat menguntungkan melalui API. Likuiditas adalah kunci keberhasilan platform dan rencana IC mencakup beberapa aspek yang bertujuan untuk memastikan aksesibilitas ke pool likuiditas dalam hubungan dengan bursa cryptocurrency terbesar di dunia.

Di bawah Platform IC, jaringan global pertukaran cryptocurrency akan dapat diakses oleh semua peserta. Menyediakan akses ke semua bursa utama yang bereputasi dan cair di seluruh dunia, IC Platform akan menyediakan serangkaian layanan yang tak tertandingi untuk beragam kelompok investor dan Token token. IC bertujuan untuk memberikan akses ke semua peluang yang dibawa oleh revolusi ekonomi crypto kepada investor dan pengguna di seluruh dunia. Platform IC akan dikelola dan dioperasikan oleh INGOT Coin, perusahaan terdaftar yang didirikan dan berlisensi berdasarkan undang-undang Estonia.

Ringkasan Token Pertukaran akan mengenakan tarif yang disukai pada semua transaksi yang dibayar oleh koin kami, dibandingkan dengan pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh mata uang atau mata uang fiat utama lainnya.

INGOT akan membagikan dividen koin setelah perusahaan matang dan menguntungkan. Ini meningkatkan daya tarik koin dalam fase awal dan dalam jangka panjang.

Jumlah maksimum token yang akan didistribusikan adalah 120.000.000 IC. Dalam hal token tidak semua terjual setelah semua ICO berakhir, semua token yang tidak terjual akan memasuki program pembakaran sesuai kontrak cerdas.

Untuk Informasi lainnya mengenai projek Ingot Coin kalian dapat menunjungi link dibawah ini :
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Telegram saya : @nayyassa