Saturday, November 17, 2018

GOeureka - Overview Hotel Loyalty Programmes

GOeureka is a travel tech company utilising blockchain technology to build a hotel booking platform. Our mission is to decentralise the hotel booking sector and deliver greater transparency by allowing hotels to directly connect with their customers. As a technology partner to hotels, GO aims to provide a dynamic digital experience to users and eradicate the high commission structures imposed by online travel agents. By reducing the financial commitments of hotels to third-party booking platforms, GO’s vision is to enable hotels to focus more resources on providing better intrinsic value and services to travellers around the globe.

The GOeureka platform is adapted to various devices and is easy to use. Project-made intelligence quickly finds hotels that meet client needs according to the parameters given. A user can specify any selection criteria, including prices for accommodation, choice of food and kitchen options, views from windows, etc. GOeur they are trying to make holiday travelers as comfortable as possible.

Inequitable commissions to OTAs ultimately decrease hotels' margins and increase consumer prices
Consumers miss out accruing points and subsequently free hotel rewards
The manufactured bias through modified and reordered search results on OTA's ultimately costs consumers choice and value

Loyalty Programmes 

Hotel loyalty programmes will be integrated into the GOeureka platform, where travellers may earn loyalty points from the hotels they have booked. Necessary APIs will be provided for hotels to link their loyalty database with GOeureka. This will help facilitate the interoperable loyalty points detailed in GOeureka’s official whitepaper.   GOeureka will send and retrieve data from the hotel’s database to provide real-time updates for users to track their points and for hotels to track points that users have redeemed with GOeureka.   Research shows that 70% of customers do not sign up for a loyalty programme due to inconvenience and time costs associated with registering for a programme . With GOeureka, 1 registration for a loyalty programme is processed and verified in the backend. Customers will only be required to fill up an online registration form or, if they are already registered loyalty members, they only need to provide their pre-registered details (e.g. member ID) and the platform will link and display their loyalty details.  

Booking & Inventory Platform  
The web application platform will host a booking platform for travellers and a hotel inventory system for hotels. Travellers will be able to search and book hotels. Hotels can update room inventory and prices directly or integrate with channel managers. A majority of hotels manage their inventories using channel managers as a single point of management, therefore GOeureka will provide necessary APIs (Application Programming Interface) for integration. GOeureka will also work directly with major channel managers to automate the integration process for hotels.  

Rebooking Feature  
Travellers will enjoy automatic post-booking discounts for their stays through GOeureka’s patent-pending rebooking feature. The GOeureka rebooking algorithm detects when a hotel rate drops, and automatically re-books an existing booking (qualified bookings that have not passed and are within valid cancellation policies) at the lower rate. Travellers will be notified of their discounted stay.

When hotels choose to drop their rates on the GOeureka platform, they will receive a summary report on the affected bookings and the total discounts provided by the rate cut. This will allow hotels to make true informed decisions that are beneficial to themselves and their guests.  

Payment Processing  
GOeureka aims to provide multiple payment methods that appeal to both traditional and crypto consumers. Consumers will have the option to transact using fiat currency, major cryptocurrencies, GO credits or loyalty points. Prices of goods and services will be displayed in fiat and the cryptocurrency of user’s choice. There are multiple available approaches for the development of GOeureka’s payment processing.

For the traditional checkout process where payment is made in fiat, GOeureka will implement a third-party payment gateway. This method sees payment being processed through a payment gateway (e.g. PayPal) that sends transaction details to a payment processing network (typically hosted by a merchant’s bank). Once processed, the processing network sends approved data to the credit card issuer to proceed with the funds transfer.  

Information :

Address : 0xB418e7b20190fDD5CEF6A6D6abE09f619Dac8e47

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